2018 Paintings
Thinking about us
uit 2018 tot 2018
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Being a Woman
2018Being a Woman: she is the cornerstone of our society. Without them the world was empty

Eye Witness
2018Eye witnesse he/she see things and later on he/she can't completely remember it correctly

Fallen Angel
2018Fallen Angel Gabriel

2018If you look at the painting you see at the far right and the far left black areas. Why? The left area must say something about the unknown sub-Saharan Africa, which is in Europe, for the most people from the West, an unknown area. The far right black area is Europe beyond Spain, which for the most people in the Maghrib also an unknown area. I shall not speak about the difference in culture and the difference in the social context: on one side of the people who live in the sub-Saharan Africa and of the people of the other side who live in the West beyond Spain. I think the Water Margins are just a virtual border between those two worlds, because I believe that people all over the world are the same with the same dreams and same wishes for happiness and fantasies. Everybody wants to live in peace and in peaceful coexistence which each other.

Out of my mind
2018Pressure and stress push us out of our minds

Red Impact
2018Red Impact, why red and why impact. Red is the color who comes close. And very red comes very close...